Family Leave Policy

I am reading Elizabeth Warren’s new book, Persist. She tells a story about getting fired from her first teaching job because she was pregnant. This was in 1970.

Having just had my first kid, I couldn’t help but start to think about my own experience in 2021 (50 years later).

I had 6 weeks paid leave, and my wife took 20 weeks with most of her pay.

First I am grateful. Our employers have these amazing policies that gives us time to adjust to this big family event, allow us collect our earnings, and return to our jobs. I am also happy about the progress we’ve made when you compare Warren’s experience with my family.

With a lot of employers offering strong family leave packages and government policy changes, more Americans should continue to have positive family leave experiences. Americans favor this.

Everyone should have a chance to start a family and hold their job to manage the transition.

You can listen to a good interview with Warren here.

Human-to-Human Commerce

Sometimes I get bogged down with the frustrations I have with Google. Exploiting its power and lack of transparency are a few that come to mind.

I was reminded of the positive interactions it can drive when looking for a newborn photographer one week after my son Jake was born. Lizzie asked me to look for someone, so I went to Google. Being a new dad of course I was on the go so I did a search for “newborn photographer near me” on my mobile. I checked out results in the Local Pack and did some price comparing. Once I got over the prices for newborn sessions, I finally sent a few options to Lizzie.

We reached out to and ended up going with Cara Soulia Photography. I was reminded of the human to human commerce that Google can help drive. We were new parents looking to document our sons first few days, and Cara runs a small photography business looking for customers.

As long as Google still drives connections like this, I will continue to be happy working on the internet.

While Cara was doing the shoot, I told her I worked in SEO and how I found her via Google. She then told me about how she started The Front Steps Project at the start of Covid and that resulted in a lot of backlinks from major publications and other photographers around the world. A truly great example of a serendipitous cause-marketing campaign that ended up driving high value links too.

Here are a few photos from the shoot:

The Front Steps Project
Jake and Me

New Standing Desk

Have you ever discovered and bought something via an IG ad? It happens maybe once per year in our house, and I always find the story entertaining. Of course there is retargeting after viewing something but I am more referring to the first view of the product being an ad itself. 

I pulled my back in early January and was quite uncomfortable sitting at my desk, so I was looking for standing options. I was considering the makeshift box strategy, because I didn’t want to overspend and have anything too clunky.

I stopped my search and continued just trying to stretch and soften my way to comfort while I still worked sitting down. 

Then, I was hit with an ad on IG for Harmoni standing desk. The ergonomics looked solid and it was something I could disassemble easily if needed. A few other tactics I believe they did well: 

  • One follow up ad provided an additional $20 off. 
  • I lost the code for the discount so I had to DM Harmoni and they still provided it. 
  • Videos showed a few different takes (1) working at the desk (2) setting up a home office with the desk.
  • The landing page doesn’t just sell a standing desk. It sells a healthier way to work, more creativity, and more productivity. 

So this is how I am working these days. The desk has definitely provided a more optimal way for me to work. Being on my feet the first 2-3 three days took some getting used to but right now I am in a great groove.

harmoni standing desk
My Standing Desk Setup

Back Again

Topping off a crazy 2020, I never renewed by website hosting and backup services in October when I needed to. As a result, I lost everything on here from 2013-2020. I never realized this until January when I went to visit the site and it wouldn’t load. I was quite disappointed for a bit and still am only because I had posts over the years that I liked a lot. Plus put all of them together and was a portfolio of my written learnings over the last 8 years that I became pretty proud of.  

There is never a better time to start fresh, though! I am back again. I thought of jumping right on instead of here but WordPress makes it too easy to get started. I wanted a very simple template and found NS Minimal fit my criteria. I also booted up Yoast, Webmaster Tools, and Google Analytics to ensure I am up and running with SEO and some analytics again. 

I plan to write on here more frequently. Some new stuff and some old stuff that I have saved to my Google drive. I have always gotten a lot of joy out of writing things down – this will be my place.