Back Again

Topping off a crazy 2020, I never renewed by website hosting and backup services in October when I needed to. As a result, I lost everything on here from 2013-2020. I never realized this until January when I went to visit the site and it wouldn’t load. I was quite disappointed for a bit and still am only because I had posts over the years that I liked a lot. Plus put all of them together and was a portfolio of my written learnings over the last 8 years that I became pretty proud of.  

There is never a better time to start fresh, though! I am back again. I thought of jumping right on instead of here but WordPress makes it too easy to get started. I wanted a very simple template and found NS Minimal fit my criteria. I also booted up Yoast, Webmaster Tools, and Google Analytics to ensure I am up and running with SEO and some analytics again. 

I plan to write on here more frequently. Some new stuff and some old stuff that I have saved to my Google drive. I have always gotten a lot of joy out of writing things down – this will be my place.