PART 2: Sequential Conversations

Back with a quick part 2 regarding the signs of a high performing team. Part 1 talked about creating fluidity between meeting topics as the leader. The next one is also meeting related but should be looked at over the course of a week, maybe even a couple weeks. 

The meetings a high performing team has in a week become sequential conversations. This means that the ball on a problem getting worked on continues to move forward as you stack the discussions next to each other. Teams react to setbacks or blockers, take in new information, and make quick decisions which is a nugget of gold in sequential conversations. Not everyone from the team needs to be in every meeting but often the team members that are the glue and in most should see and feel the conversations developing and stacking sequentially.

I believe a tell tale sign of a low performing team is if these sequential conversations don’t exist. What this ends up looking like is a lot of back tracking and rehashing during meetings. The ball might move forward but not as efficiently or fast as it could with sequential conversations. Things could stay in one place for a few weeks which prevents the sequential pattern we’re after as a leader to drive results and learnings. Why might sequential conversations not exist? Come back for part 3 for insights.