Recently, I’ve been involved in a few feedback exchanges in different ways. The first was the more popular one where someone gave me direct feedback. The other, likely less popular, was someone who came to me as a manager with feedback about someone else. They were looking for help in working through some challenges with someone and how to improve on them.
The thing I learned from these two situations is that action is important. Take action whether you get the feedback or have feedback to share. Don’t stay silent. In my first example, I acted on the feedback right away. This allowed me to be more effective and I also improved on how to do what was asked. In addition, I know what not to do for the future. It really was such a fruitful learning experience, and I felt added ownership.
For the second example, I think it is important to also take action on this and use a trusted person like a manager to help think through the concerns and how to work on them. This can be harder to do but it is such an effective way to hold people accountable to healthy two way relationships.
Receive the feedback – take action. Concern about how a partnership is going, take action.